Becoming a Member

Full Membership may be granted to any:

  • Licensed Insurance Company, Underwriting Agency, or other organization authorized by the Superintendent of Insurance of British Columbia to underwrite Marine related business and who employs Underwriters domiciled in British Columbia for that purpose; or

  • Qualified Company domiciled in British Columbia acting as Brokers or Agents transacting marine insurance business

For more information please contact Mark Wilson at

Associate Membership

Associate Membership may be granted to any other duly qualified Marine Underwriter not resident in British Columbia and any company associated in any way with the business of marine insurance as determined by the Executive Committee.
For more information please contact Mark Wilson at

Country Membership

Country Membership may be granted to any person who has been a member in good standing of the Association and has, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, retired or partially retired from the business of marine insurance, and such membership is approved by the Executive Committee
For more information please contact Mark Wilson at

Honorary Membership

Honourary Membership may be granted to any person who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, merits honourary membership shall be eligible for admission as an honourary member of the Association in good standing as may be determined at any annual meeting of the Association.
For more information please contact Mark Wilson at